Tuesday, August 5, 2014

July 2014 Nail Art

If you follow me on Instagram, you've likely already seen my weekly nail art designs from July. Now see how you can get each of the looks for yourself!

4th of July Mixed Prints Nails

You guys! New patriotic nail post on the blog, just in time for the #4thofjuly! See the blog for a surprise bonus design! #liketkit www.liketk.it/2hMw @liketkit

Colors used:
Base coat - OPI Nail Envy
Blue - Square Hue Patriot
White - OPI Alpine Snow
Silver - Julep Rebel
Red - Sally Hansen Red My Lips
Top coat - Seche Vite Dry Fast

Additional items:
Metal studs
Striping brush
Dotting tool

How to:
After your base coat is dry, polish your nails with two coats in the color order shown. Use a striping brush to paint stripes on the index finger and a dotting tool to paint the polka dots on the middle finger. Put a bit of top coat at the base of the nail and place a stud on each of the remaining nails. Finish with two coats of top coat to keep the studs on.

Citrus Nails

When life gives you lemons, give yourself a citrus-filled manicure. #notd #liketkit www.liketk.it/5j1G @liketkit

Colors used:
Base coat - OPI Nail Envy
Yellow - Julep Dawn
Top coat - Seche Vite Dry Fast

Additional items:
Assorted citrus-shaped fimo slices
Small scissors or cuticle nipper

How to:
Polish your nails with enough coats of yellow for an opaque look. Arrange the fruit slices on your accent nail one at a time, adhering each slice with a bit of top coat. If any of the slices extend beyond the boundaries of the nail, carefully clip them to fit. Seal it all up with two coats of top coat to keep the fimo slices on.

Greige Asymmetric Nails

Kept it simple this week with a neutral asymmetrical negative space manicure. #liketkit www.liketk.it/8YdK @liketkit

Colors used:
Base coat - OPI Nail Envy
Greige - Essie Chinchilly
Top coat - Seche Vite Dry Fast

How to:
After the base coat dries, use the greige polish to paint random angles two-thirds of the way down the nail. Use that edge as your starting point to polish the rest of the nail. Once dry, cover with a layer of top coat.

Rose Gold + White Stripes Nails

Rose gold and white stripes this week! #notd #liketkit www.liketk.it/bvA8 @liketkit

Colors used:
Base coat - OPI Nail Envy
Rose gold - Orly Rage
White - OPI Alpine Snow
Top coat - Seche Vite Dry Fast

Additional items:
Striping brush

How to:
Over a dried base coat, polish nails with the metallic rose gold. Use the striping brush and white polish to paint a few stripes of varying sizes. Take care to space the stripes out the same distance on each nail. When dry, finish with your the top coat.

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1 comment:

  1. LOVE the rose gold and white stripes on you! It makes me so want to try it. Have you tried Vain Pursuits? They're kind of like Julep but for skincare. I love to read what you think of them!


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