Thursday, February 21, 2008

I don't hate smokers, I hate the things they do.

Its no secret that I'm anti-smoking. I'm all about people quitting that habit and I'll help out in anyway I can. The thing is that smoke isn't the only thing that annoys me about people who smoke.

I've ranted before about people that throw their cigarette butts on the ground or out the window when they are done with them. Its littering and its just plain rude. I snap picture of people that toss the cigarettes out the window and one day when I get a decent collection, I'm gonna post them.

I also don't get people that smoke in their cars, they roll down the window to let the smoke out. Why? They've already inhaled it into they're lungs so what exactly are they trying to prevent?

What made me think of this topic today is something that happened last night at the lingerie store. A woman returned a bra last night simply because her boyfriend bought her the wrong size for Valentine's day. She had the receipt and the tags were still on the bra. It was a perfectly acceptable return. However, we could no longer sell that bra.


It was saturated with a disgusting smoke smell. No one in their right mind will buy a 50 dollar bra that smells like that. What a complete waste.

Do cigarettes have some sort of chemical that makes people act inconsiderate or something?


WheresMyAngels said...

ARGH! My staff at work, thought my flower pot was a nice place for all their butts.

Givinya De Elba said...

It's sad hey, when you see young people starting to smoke, committing themselves to a lifetime of the health hassles and the financial drain that smokes can be. It must be really hard to give up - so many people struggle so hard.

The Evans Crew said...

You know what bugs me, people smoking, in their car, with their KIDS! How can people do that to their children? It's really one of my pet peeves!!!!

Heather said...

Oh 4 under 4, I hear you - there was a mom at preschool this past year who always smoked in her car, windows up (we live in a long, cold winter area) with her kid in the back seat. Her son was in my daughter's class and more often than not, *he* smelled like smoke. Nothing more infuriating than a four year old who reeks of smoke. Grrr.

Oh, and the preschool parking lot? The perfect place for all her butts. Double Grrrr.

Adiel - right on with this rant!!!

Colleen said...

As a recent quitter, I can just tell you that smokers are just rude individuals who don't realize that they smell. Trust me.

Happy SITS Day!

wendy said...

I agree - and I hate to be around people who reek. It is such a pet peeve of mine. My MIL smokes and always goes outside but...hello!! The smell comes back in my house with you, Lady!! *sigh*

angela | the painted house said...

Don't get me started. I totally agree.

Angie's Spot said...

I TOTALLY agree with you on the smoking thing. That is my #1 pet peeve and I get downright ugly about it. Congrats on being featured on SITS today!

Unknown said...

I so agree with you - I can't stand it when people just drop their butts where ever.

I worked in a daycare once... we had a little 2 month old baby that we had to give a bath to every morning so that you could stand to hold him - he smelled like smoke THAT badly...

Melisa S. said...

You are right on with this post. I think taking pictures and then posting is a great idea. I bet you could even have others do it and make it a global thing!

lemonologie said...

Preach it! I totally agree. As someone allergic to smoke, I have found that smokers don't realize that even when they go outside they still impact the air around them!

S Club Mama said...

My mom smokes. Doesn't get that I don't want my son around it. Says that her smoking never caused problems for us (her daughters) growing up. No, mom, I just had bronchitis about 6 times...twice bad enough to have a steroid inhaler. My younger sis & I only have asthma. Thanks! Your grandson will continue to have clear lungs.

Sorry for the rant. But I gotcha!

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

I am so allergic. And I grew up with a dad who smoked. I had no idea that I smelled until a I was no longer allowed to play with a friend of mine. Her mom thought *I* smoked. Yuck, yuck, yuck!

Kimberly said...

You go girl! I soooo get this one! I HATE all that cigarettes introduce in this world! I hated when at college all the smokers would stand right in front of the doors so no matter how hard you tried (even though they were supposed to be 50 ft. away or something like that) you smelled like smoke when you get to class! Urgghh!

sassy stephanie said...

I love the hang-out-the-window excuse "I don't want my car to smell like smoke". Um, what about your clothes, your bag, etc? Guess they are so used to the stench they don't recognize it anymore.

Anonymous said...

I am an ex smoker myself...and yes...smokers feel like they are entitled...for some it's discrimination...but you are right on every last one...but I'll add one better....The parents that DON'T open the window while they smoke with the kids in the car...I hate that one.

Heather said...

Can I tell you how many patients I take care of that would "kill" for one more cigarette, even though they are already short of breath and dying of COPD, lung cancer, pneumonia, etc.??? So many health care dollars, so much time and energy expended, all for diseases that are totally preventable if people would only QUIT SMOKING! Very frustrating...

Live.Love.Eat said...

I've always been a bit of a snob in this area. Could never date a guy who smoked. My two best friends smoked years and years ago and they knew I wouldn't even touch an ashtray to pass it on, so one day they bet me that if I just touched a cig they would treat me to the movies. That's the only time I ever did.....

Melissa said...

The smoking in the car with the windows up and children strapped in! That lights me up!!!!!! No pun intended!

Crazy Momma said...

So, it's a proven fact that smoking can kill the sense of smell and taste...

Smokers truly don't have any idea that they smell the way they do. HOWEVER, they are aware that what they are doing causes a smell.

Freaking keep it in a plastic bag if you need to smoke around it...whatever.


~*Paty*~ said...

OH don't EVEN get me started! It's the reason I can't hardly enjoy Vegas. I totally agree with you!

The Blaisdell Family said...

I'm with ya in all aspects. SO funny that you get pictures of people. That gave me a good laugh.

There's a lot of stuff I don't understand about smoking either. Like walking through a public park, for example, and having smoke blown in my face from the person in front of me. Ok, so it's their right to smoke (I guess) but what about my right, and my children's right to breath FRESH air while in a park?????????

The Blaisdell Family said...

Also, I thought that if the article of clothing can NOT be resold, then they can't return it? It was stained by a smell, what's the difference if they stained it with that or food instead??

Anonymous said...

I smoked in high school/college and now I absolutely hate it, and the rude habits that go along with it. There's a girl I used to be friends with, who is the most selfish person I know. She wants to get pregnant but swears she won't quit smoking because- get this- her mom smoked when pregnant with her, and she turned out okay. Bitch.

Laura said...

I had to have one of the DOCTORS I work with sign a form, so I mailed it to him. When he brought it in, it smelled so badly of smoke that we had to leave it out on an unoccupied desk over the weekend to air out. I'm a former smoker, but always tried to be polite about it. I never smoked in my house, in other people's houses, or in the vicinity of non-smokers.

Unknown said...

My pet peeve, is when I 'm sitting waiting at the bus stop. A smoker will come and sit down, right next to me, and light up. I then have to get up and move.


Queen of the House said...

Isn't it awful! I can't stand it when I see them smoking with their children around, or worse IN THE CAR WITH THEM. Don't they read the newspaper? I mean, 2nd hand smoke is documented to be terribly awful stuff.


Jaime said...

4 under 4 wrote:
"You know what bugs me, people smoking, in their car, with their KIDS!"

It's illegal in California, now! Whoo-hoo!

I've had the same situation when I worked at JCP. I would usually have the manager come out to deal with the customer. And usually, the manager would give in and return it. *sigh* "just put a defective tag on it." yeah..but we can't return it to the manufacture!!

Congrats on being SITS featured!

Anonymous said...

when i used to work in retail, i had a lady try to return a bra that had YELLOW ARMPIT STAINS. It was so disgusting and even though i didn't touch it, i washed my hands about 239847928357 times after she left the counter. *shudder*

Karol said...

Know the feeling. I love my parents, but they both smoke! Whenever we take the boys over, we always smell like smoke when we get home! :( Boo!

Anonymous said...

On behalf of us smokers, yes there are some rude smokers out there and it truly sucks. But their are also rude people in general that do nasty things and endanger other peoples health as well. Men that pee on buildings or the side of the road. People that drive cars with exhaust leaks. Spitters! People that leave their trash on the tables at restaurants. I could go on. I am a smoker, I have children, I want to quit, I am not rude. I smoke with my window down so that my dchildren and my fiance (a non-smoker) doesn't have to smell the smoke. I only smoke outside and it doesn't come in with me. My clothes rarely smell as told to me by anyone that is unaware I smoke until they see me light up. I do not smoke in public places, I do not smoke at the park and I do not smoke around non-smokers. I always step far away from people and kids. If it were easy to quit, I am sure more smokers would. I have tried many things including medicine to quit. Just doesn't work. I have smoked since it was cool. Now I am hooked. Telling me to "just quit" is like telling a chocoholic to never eat another piece or an alcoholic to never take another drink. We know it is hazardous, WE ARE ADDICTED! It is no longer a choice. I know people have quit and I am proud of them, as well as envious. But as with everything else, do not stereo type all smokers!

Maternal Mirth said...

ick, ick, ick ...

Ronnica said...

I honestly don't have a problem smoking. As long as it is not done in my place. Our neighbor smokes, and the smell drifts into our apartment. Yuck. We'll be glad to see him leave when his lease is up in August.

Dana said...

I think smoking is one of THE most disgusting habits around. I seriously do not understand the power it holds over people....and YES! Smokers are SO inconsiderate. I'm tired of having being subjected to other peoples habits.....ICK! Smoke filled bra! YUCK....the nerve!

Creative Junkie said...

I absolutely HATE smoking. And I can't stand it when it's done outside either - I have the right to fresh air so take your stinking cancer stick and just go away.

OMG - don't even get me started on this subject.

EmBee said...

Our best friends smoke (my husband and I don't)... They're always polite about it, smoke outside and don't throw their butts in our yard BUT, if they think they don't spread the smell around the house they're clueless! The other thing that makes me furious with them is the overflowing ashtray they leave on my deck, where it fills with rainwater and eventually becomes an even bigger disgusting mess. I refuse to clean it and when they come over I send them outside to take care of their 'Nicotine Swill'

Anonymous said...

My favorite recently was that I had my living room windows open enjoying the nice breeze when all of a sudden I got plastered in the face with cigarette smoke.

From my neighbor.

Who smokes on her front porch.

So as not to smoke up her house.

Girl please!

Have a great SITS day!

Stephanie said...

The smell of smoke has always made me gag. I can only imagine having to accept a return bra that is saturated with the smell - yuck!

Jennifer P. said...

My favorite part is when they all rush out of some public event (sports game, movie, college class) and congregate right outside the door so that we lucky non-smoking people get to pass through the smoke shower on our way out to our car. That's nice. The funniest ones are nurses and/or doctors and/or other medical people smoking behind the clinic in their scrubs. Also nice.

Great post ;)! Enjoy your SITS day!

Lisa@BlessedwithGrace said...

Okay, SITSta, all your featured posts have been great to read. Thanks.

Gina said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Gina said...

I have to comment about the early statement about "men that pee on the side of the road".
My husband would never pee on a building- that's just gross.
However, we have been in situations- because he has cancer and has had some surgeries that have altered his bladder size, urgency, etc.- where he has had no choice but to stop on the side of the road and go into the bushes (like, in a traffic backup or no rest stop or station for miles). It was either that or have a serious accident.
Not everything is done out of rudeness-some things are done out of extreme necessity. There are a lot of guys in their 50's and up who just really, really have to go because of medical situations.
Sorry- just had to get that out there for more understanding- I'm sensitive about that.

Gina said...

Smoking is a tough one- and the ones who are thoughtless about their litter (why isn't this considered just as bad as throwing your Wendy's bag on the street??) should be fined.

I wish the youth of America would reconsider the ramifications on their skin as they smoke and age. The effects are often devastating.
If we can't appeal to their health, perhaps we should start appealing to their vanity???

For those already in the hooks of the addiction- don't stop trying to quit!!
My dad smoked for over 30 years and tried to quit a bunch of times, but never fully could.
Then he got the flu really badly, and after that, can't STAND the smell of cigarettes!! He just quit- just like that!!!!
So you never know when that time will come that your body will begin to reject the poison.

Putting the FUN in DysFUNctional said...

I couldn't agree more! It's like smoking sucks the common sense and consideration right out of some peoples' brains.

Anonymous said...

I think smoking is a truly disgusting habit. I really don't know why anyone would want to smoke or continue to do so.

Amy said...

Amen Sitsta!

LaQuintamomof3 said...


Melissa Lester said...

We just spent a week at the beach, and I was so disappointed to sit on the sand, enjoying the view but smelling smoke from other groups on the beach. And I don't like leaving a non-smoking area, only to maneuver through a sea of smoke to get to my car. I hope my kids and future generations will be free of the smoking addiction.

One Crazy Chick! said...

Ex SITS smoker in the house! Okay, so the only explanation is that when you are a smoker or live with a smoker you become immune to the smell and you don't realize you smell like an ashtray.

Seriously, growing up I stunk like an ashtray yet I had no idea why other 6 year olds would complain because I counldn't smell it. Same applies when you are a have no idea how bad you smell!

Hope your SITS day is rockin'!

Jess NBP said...

my husband thinks they are a great addition to my flowers outside. ARGH

Anonymous said...

My former boss smoked alot, the smell practically oozed from his pores and tainted every piece of paperwork he gave me. Nice enough guy, though. Habits are tough. Great blog btw! Congrats on the feature.

Belle (from Life of a...) said...

AMEN...I interviewed a person for a job a couple of weeks ago and the portfolio the person brought in for us to look at smelled of stale smoke. Needless to say it did not make the best impression.

Simply Stork said...

yup, nothin better than sitting outside at the lake and getting a wiff of someones cigarette smoke...yum yum...nothin better than that! in the great out doors...arg!


Sooz said...

I work at a hospital, a non-smoking facility as well, which includes the parking lots and adjacent buildings. I still see patients, visitors, AND employees trying to sneak a smoke in closer. When they happen to smoke nearby the hospital building, those of us on the inside get to breathe it too thanks to the ventilation system. Oh joy...

Happy SITS day!

Lynn - JnL4God said...

Well I used to be a smoker and I had no clue how bad it affected other people or how much it stunk until I quit. My Mom Died early from smoking and I wish I could get everyone to know how bad it is for them and people around them.
Congrats on the feature.

Anonymous said...

i absolutly hate smoking and being around it!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Our neighbors smoke and our driveways are next to each other. Their nasty cigarette butts land in our driveway and it bugs me to no end!

Michelle said...

Sounds like my work where we have a special smoking "room" outside in the parking garage. I can only imagine what I smell like after walking through the yuck that wafts out as I'm on my way to my car.....

Adiel | Rose Gold Lining said...

See my response to the comments on this post here:

Amy said...

First-I dont judge the PEOPLE who smoke b/c Im sure it is sooo hard to stop. I mean, I need to not over eat but its hard! Ha. Anyway-I hate smoke though. The thing that gets me is this...when we go to our local Chilis for dinner you have to walk right thru the smoking section to get to any other tables. WHY? My children have asthma and could have an attack from just walking past the smoke. SO...we dont go with them. It stinks. Literally. The next thing I detest is seeing someone smoking with a baby or any other age child that has no choice in the car. UUURRRGG. Makes me SOOO mad!! You are killing them...STOP! If you wanna kill yourself have at it, but if you love them STOP! Ok..Im off my soap box now. Sorry.

Insane Mama said...

smoking doesn't bug me too much, but throwing them on the ground PISSES me off! I was at the beach today, and cigarette butts were everywhere, it's ridiculous and rude!

Rhea said...

I don't have a problem with people choosing to smoke, (I wouldn't personally do it) but I hate the littering aspect as well.

My hubby smokes and i really wish he would quit. He reeks all the time and it's just soo bad for you. Health-wise, Id on't understand why people start smoking at all these days.

Anonymous said...

I'm with ya chica! My hubby smokes and is not allowed in the house until he takes of his belt, tie and shoes in the garage. Then I make him put his clothes in his own laundy basket....then he can't play with the kids, eat dinner or sleep in my bed until he has showered. Does this mean OCD?

Ashley said...

Yep! I used to smoke and even then it bothered me to smoke in front of kids and anywhere that people couldn't get away from me. Now I can't stand the smell and it absolutely boils my blood when the employees where I work are exhaling as they're coming in the door from break. I want to smack them.

followthatdog said...

I hate when they run out for a smoke break during a meeting then you have to smell them when they get back. Turns my stomach. Or when they smoke outside a door so I get to walk right into their stench. Thanks for hte post.

Judy Schwartz Haley | CoffeeJitters.Net said...

ugh! that cigarette smell is awful.

it a shame about that bra

Gina said...

Smoking kills your braincells. But people must not have too many to start with if they begin smoking in the first place.

StitchinByTheLake said...

And why do smokers think that just because they're outdoors I can't smell their smoke? We have neighbors who smoke on their deck, which floats all the way over onto our deck, and they are not close! Yesterday I was trying to find a good book to read at the library when a man walked up next to me to look on the same shelf. I had to leave because he smelled so bad - cigarettes! Yuck!

Unknown said...

I used to smoke but when I quit I realized how bad the smoke does smell.. especially on clothes! I did wonder what retailers do when people return clothes smelling of smoke.

Found you from SITS