Thursday, March 20, 2008

New Hair

I got my hair done on Tuesday night. I've been meaning to take pictures of it before I wrote about it, but I've been too busy to take the time to take pictures. So I decided I'll show you some pictures later.

Basically, I just wanted to thank everyone that voted in my poll on what color to dye my hair. I'm a really indecisive person so its good to get advice from friends.

Zach Norman at Lunatic Fringe in Salt Lake is fabulous. No lie. If you are searching for a new stylist, he is the guy, I recommend scheduling an appointment with him right away.

I told Zach that I wanted to go a lighter shade of brown for spring and he did the rest. He did something called a color melt on me where its darker at the roots and lighter at the ends. He also is great at telling me how to style my hair and what products will work best for me. This time, I decided to try out a hair powder and a protective treatment. So far, I love them.

I promise you there will be lots of picture taking this weekend as my dad is getting married, we'll be celebrating Traci's birthday some more and its Easter on Sunday. So stay tuned if you want to see me with a lighter hair color!

1 comment:

The Hawaiian Howells said...

i want to see pics love meg