Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Lets talk nicknames

The name Adiel doesn't really give you much in the way of nicknames so I haven't had a whole lot of good nicknames in my life.

Stemming from my name:
Della Bella
Adella-jello (I went through a jello loving phase)

Not related to my name:
Little Dancer Girl (Levi and Casey were amused by my love of dancing)
Sarah (A couple of kids in summer school decided they couldn't say my name so they call me that, to this day.)
Lucy (Inside joke; *edit* at WheresMyAngels' request, the joke behind that name is this kid I used to date called me Lucy and I called him Ricky. I think it started because he was always telling me that I had some "splainin to do.")

*edit* Family nicknames
Ah-jelly (My sister calls me this)
Abigail (My dad calls me this, kinda rhymes with Adiel)
Adielita (My mom calls me this)

Now I come to the reason for this little chat about nicknames...
Last night at panty heaven, a girl I work with had a fun little conversation starting with how to say my name.
Clever Coworker: "Adele, right?"
Me: "No, Add-yell."
Clever Coworker: "Oh... Where'd you get that name anyway?"
Me: "My mom found it in a baby book, its hebrew, it means 'ornament of the lord'"
Clever Coworker: "Oh! Ornament! I know what I'll call you; Orny!"

Oh boy, I couldn't be more thrilled.
I think this one wins the award for best nickname ever.
< /sarcasm>


KatBouska said...

Not a lot nicknames for Kathy either. In fact there aren't any. Except Kat, which is what my husband calls me.

Oh and don't let me scare you out of having babies. They're worth all the trouble...just wait till your at least 25! That's my only advice.

Kristina said...

Well, that coworker sounds pretty annoying.

Adiel | Rose Gold Lining said...

Kathy, 25 would be the earliest I would consider having children. That is if you and all the others don't frighten me away from ever doing that . ;)

K, you wouldn't believe how annoying she is!

rg. said...

oh my goodness. I probably would have given that girl the stink eye if she called me that.

"she's not giving you the stink eye. that's just how she looks." -juno

Pj.steph said...

Thanks for leaving out your families spectacular nickname! HOW RUDE :)


I win.
I made it up.

Tiffany said...

Pany heaven? You crack me up. Tiffster is the worst I have ever had.

WheresMyAngels said...

Gay Gayla and Gay Gay was my nick names growing up! Kids suck!

Now I just get "G".

Now pleas share about "lucy"

Givinya De Elba said...

Aw cmon people, Adiel isn't that tricky to say! Orny? Poor Adiel!

I didn't see the old layout for your blog, by the way, but I voted for this new one cos it's awesome! When I read blogs with black backgrounds, my eyes hurt. This one rocks!

HAVE kids - you'll be a great Mom!

Unknown said...

My mum called me Tara because she hated shortened names - I went all through school being called 'T'!

Cristin said...

When my nephew was learning everyone's names my nickname 'Crissy' came out of his sweet little mouth, 'Creepy'

I've been Creepy to my family for almost 20 years.

Heather said...

My dad grew up with a nickname that he haaaaated - as a matter of fact, I think the reason he fell for my mom was because she hated it too and refused to use it, becoming the first person to ever call him by his given name - so for his kids, my dad insisted that none of us be given names from which a nickname could be derived. This is how I became Heather instead of (eek) Pamela - I don't feel like a Heather necessarily but I sure don't feel like a Pam/Pammy/Pamela.

Not that this stopped me from getting nicknames anyhow; I was Heddy throughout high school and into college and to this day, my family still calls me Heath (as in Hehhhhth, not Heeeeeth like Ledger or Bar).

Anyhow, I'm rambling in the comments section - again - sorry, bad habit when I'm reading blogs first thing in the morning and my brain hasn't quite woken up yet. :D

wendy said...

So is it ok if you slap this gal? I mean seriously...that's just plain rude!

I went with names that couldn't really be shortened for my kids too (but they still have nicknames)!

angela | the painted house said...

Great post, Orny! ;) Sheesh.

Chandra said...

I definitely feel your name pain. Some people just don't understand how important it is, and those people usually have names like Tim, Kim, Bill or Ann.

We are just highly unique and special.

And I am adding you to my Google Reader. You are a hoot.

Party of 5 said...

She sounds like a ditz.

Hoped on over here from SITS congrats on your feature.

I know what you mean though cause Holly has no nickname possiblities.

Unknown said...

Orny? Really?? Well, I guess that's better than her deciding to call you God... right?

I feel the pain with the nickname thing though... but I'm not sure I'm ready to devuldge why.

Jen said...

LOL. I don't have a difficult name to pronounce, just the same name as a lot of people out there.

Melisa S. said...

I was always one that wanted a nickname...any nickname. I think I felt that if someone took the time to give me one, they were actually thinking about ME. Silly, eh?

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

Orny is just wrong. My kids are ornery. They could be nicknamed orny. But somehow, I don't think it fits you. I'm hoping that was a one time stupid comment and not something that stuck...

Jill said...

Orny? Really? What a great thing to name you in a LINGERIE STORE! Can you imagine her yelling it across the store at you? I'm laughing at myself right now.

My nicknames all stem around food.... Jilly, Jill-o, Jillybean. very original

Deanna said...

You needed a dumb-ass stick to clock the co-worker with. Come to think of it, that would come in handy in a lot of situations.

BTW, I think your name is pretty. I've never heard it before and was mispronouncing it (in my head) until you spelled out the pronunciation.

Again...great post!


S Club Mama said...

Not many nicknames for Randi. Especially when your dad's name is Randy.

Little Randi
Ducky (hated this one)
Di (thanks big sis)
Randal (really hate this one)

Anonymous said...

When my daughter Kendall was a baby, a perfect stranger scowled and said, "Kendall?! So you're going to call her Kendy, then?" I replied, "No. We're going to call her Kendall." She just could not make room in her psyche for the name. Some people are so rude! Great post, Sista!

Kimberly said...

I also have lots of nicknames..."Kimberly" provides a lot of options but some are detestable! Kim turns into Kimmy which turns into Kimbo which somehow leaves me at Bimbo. Not so much my favorite!
What a weird thing for your co-worker to say!

sassy stephanie said...

I used to hate when people other than my fam called me "Steph". Now, I actually prefer it.

Melanie Dickens said...

I can't stand it when people I don't know well call me Mel. It is just so annoying. I have had many bad nicknames though. This was a great post - very thought provoking.

Crazy Momma said...

Erica leaves few nicknames as well...I feel your pain!

The Blaisdell Family said...

Not too many nicknames for Jaime either. Little kids seem to call me James. Which is cute coming from a kid, but otherwise, no thanks!

Why is there always at least one co-worker that hasn't a clue??

~*Paty*~ said...

I bet she thought she was pretty clever. Worst nickname I ever got was "Hota". What that means? I have no idea. What bothered me the most is I couldn't come up with one for her!

Unknown said...

What a weird co-worker!!

I never though that 'Karen' could be turned into a nickname. However, I've been called, K, Kar, Ren, Kay and Karrie ....

Mostly, these days, I get called 'Kiwi' :-)

Laura said...

The worst I got was from the first kid I ever babysat. He lived next door and called me Larda, so my brothers started calling me Lard-ass. I was 11. And my Grannie called me Lula-Butt, I have no idea why.

Sonya said...

I know how it is with how people pronounce your name..I get it so many ways that I just let people call me by my middle name. :) I was so tired of being called "Red Sonia" in elementary school...I didn't have red hair!!!!

Love your blog...I will be back to check up on you!

Missy said...

That lady should be flogged. So dumb, it doesn't even make sense!
I love your name, unusual but not over the top.
Unfortunately, my full name had morphed into a nickname before I even left the hospital. Cute for a toddler, not so much for a 31 yr old!

Queen of the House said...

Oh jeez that's awful!! Why do people have to be so insensitive??
I love your name, it's unique. :-)

Swirl Girl said...

I grew up as Wendy. I was called Hot and Juicy for years (after the epinonymous hamburger chain's main course). Hated it!

Now- I am 44 and husband calls me.....Walter. Long story, but it works. You you have to say it with an exxagerated Boston accent, like Wahltah. When we were having our first child, and didn't know if it was a boy or girl and we were considering names - my hubby said "how 'bout Walter?'. I said "no way - do you want him to get beaten up everyday??" the name stuck - for me that is.

Anonymous said...

wow. watch out for THAT co-worker... she sure is a clever one. < /eyeroll>

Karol said...

*Ugh* What a moron.
I work at a restaurant where you write your name on the table (klassy, i know). Never fails, "um, you spelled your name wrong, it's spelled with a 'C'"

me: "um, no it's not (jack-ass) my grandma's is with a 'C' mine's with a 'K'"

Oh, don't forget about 'Christmas Karol' and 'special K'

Anonymous said...

My name is Jyll. So instead of nicknames I had to deal with the eternal barage of "Jack and Jill" songs. Some were even x-rated! People have nothing better to do!

Jenni said...

My name is Jenni. Not Jennifer. I rarely was called Jen, though I don't mind it. More often people insisted on calling me Jennifer, which bugs me 'cause it's not my name. I even knew a guy for a while that thought he was clever and called me Jenni Fur.

Ronnica said...

Orny. Interesting...

My name's Ronnica, which is actually my real name, not a nickname for Veronica (so many people ask me that...). My favorite nickname was thought of by two different people around the same time: Ronners. I'm not sure, but when someone calls me that, it makes me feel special.

Lisa@BlessedwithGrace said...

Gee, aren't friends great. Congrats on being SAUCY!

This Mom said...

My name really doesn't have a nickname. But in high school my best friend and I had the same name. Since she was older I got the nickname Tweetie. I have BIG blue eye. I think that there are kids I went to school with who didn't even know my realy name. Sad huh?

Creative Junkie said...

Found your blog from SITS!

My nickname is Andy, because it's short of Andrea. My entire family always calls me Andy - I haven't been called Andrea by them since I can't even remember!

EmBee said...

My name is Margie and the favored 'nicknames' by my classmates were 'Margarine' (how original) and 'Modge-Podge' (hate, hate, HATED that one!) It was years before I realized there was actually a product called 'Modge-Podge'

Stephanie said...

One of my "favorite" nicknames people called me was "Step-on-Me" instead of Stephanie. Don't you just love the creativity some people exhibit when it comes to coming up with peoples' nicknames?

Gina said...

Not a lot of nicknames for Gina either. My dad had a great one for me, though.
It stands for Butt Bone.
Yeah, really!!
I was ice skating on our pond one day when I was about 12, when I took a bad fall and landed RIGHT on it, and starting screaming and crying that I "broke my butt bone".
Thus, BB.
Can you just hear the sympathy oozing out of that?!?! haha!
He also called me "babe" which is probably my favorite. I loved being called "babe" by my dad.

Orny is just awful. Yeah, I would nip that one in the bud RIGHT AWAY.
Your name is beautiful- tell them to stop with the nicknames already!

Jennifer P. said...

I like the name Adiel--though I wouldn't have known how to pronounce it until you said something.

People were forever trying to call me Jen or Jenny, but I really preferred the whole long Jennifer. THen my brother started in with Fur, and Furry and ew!--end of story: I still don't have a nickname that's ever stuck!

Glad you have such a choice, Orny :)!

Alison said...

Mostly I just get called Ali--short for Alison--but I had a boss who called me Waldo because one day I wore a red and white striped shirt to work. You should have seen the customers stare when he called me that...and I answered!

Anonymous said...

I never really had a nick name, My friends use to call me by my last name "Welkley" and then when anyone would trip or blunder they would refer to it as "Welkley Move". Can you guess that I am pretty klutzy!

Here is to our real names even if you are like me and have the most common name in my generation.


Amy said...

Some people can be really mean when it comes to names. I always hated the nickname thing.

WheresMyAngels said...

No fair, I thought "Lucy" was going to be some deep dark and dirty secret type of name!! lol For the life of me, i couldn't figure out what, but I was hoping!! Forgive me Lord for I have sinned!

Melissa Lester said...

I never really had any nicknames growing up, but kind of wanted one. My parents always called me by my full name, but my husband is always coming up with nicknames for me and our children. Terms of endearment are sweet.

LaQuintamomof3 said...

Maybe clever coworker needs a nickname of her own!
Great post

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, I almost had iced tea come out of my nose. Too funny.

Jess NBP said...

WHOA!! man and I thought I had it bad.

misty said...

I a fellow SITSta. I hate when people just start calling you by a nickname. Especially if it's a bad one. My name is Misty, and for some reason I HATE it when people call me Mis. HATE IT. lol. Great idea for a post. Might have to steal it sometime. lol.

Anonymous said...

I used to beg my parents to change my name to Mary or Kathy...something simple. People never get my name right the first time, and I always have to repeat, spell and define. Sometimes at Starbucks, I make up other names so they won't say it wrong. And as they shout my drink is ready, people won't look at eachother like, "what's her name?"

Belle (from Life of a...) said...

My almost 18 year old daughter is still scarred because her preschool teacher called her "tidbit." I thought it was kind of cute but even at four, she didn't like it and has never forgotten it.

Simply Stork said...

oh my...that is quite a few nick names you've had...do you really answer to all of them???


Michelle said...

Orny. Lovely. I do think that wins a prize, although I don't know that I'd want said prize! Congrats on being featured, btw!

Adiel | Rose Gold Lining said...

See my response to the comments at the following post:

Amy said...

That would be a horrible nickname. Your name is very pretty..

Insane Mama said...

Not much for nick names for Mariah either... except Mariah Papaya, wich I HATE!

Rhea said...

Your co-worker is a retard! Sheesh. That's the worst nickname ever.

Don't get me started on the nicknames and rhyming games people did with my name. ick.

AFRo said...

That was pretty funny! Orny gets paid by panty heaven. Crack me up. Sorry. I couldn't resist. It could be a reality show though. Seriously.

koala brains said...

People gave me the worst nicknames, or shall I say tormented me by calling me names. My parents did not pronounce my name phonetically which just screwed me from the beginning. My name is Kaori (Japanese) and it's pronounced Ka-oh-ri with the "r" sounding like a combo between D and L. I've been called coyote, cow patty, rowdy, howdy, howdy kowdy, cowie - ugh. I decided at 36 to change the pronounciation and it's now Kay-ori and I'm so much happier. No one has attempted to nickname me yet - if they dare!!!! (but how can it be any worse then the names I listed?!?)

Judy Schwartz Haley | CoffeeJitters.Net said...

Orny! ha - that's awesome

Gina said...

I love the meaning of your name. Like a diamond on the Lord's right hand.
I would hate the nickname problem, though.

Unknown said...

Wow some people come up with the funnies nicknames and you half the time you don't even get a say in it.. I've been called KC , first letter of first name and first letter of last name (maiden), Dimples as a child (dimples when I smile, not my butt.. LOL), some people want to call me kris, kristi, and the saying of my name is always a problem for everyone, thanks to my names unique spelling, 3 i's in KrIstInIa, not like your "normal" spelling KrIstIna... LOL

Found you from SITS