Friday, July 11, 2008

Lurkers, Stalkers or whatever you call them

I was just reading this post about blog lurkers, or as I like to say, blog stalkers. She has some great points! We bloggers do thrive on comments.

So all of you lurkers/stalkers, come out and say hello, leave a comment.
I get a lot of hits each day, but compared to that, I hardly get any comments.

This is an invitation to come out of your shell and say hello!


Weekend Players said...

Hi Adiel, well i'm not a stalker and this is my first time seeing your blog. I enjoy your writing and you seem like a fun gal. Just want to say hello....

Adiel | Rose Gold Lining said...

Welcome! Thanks for the kind words!
Hope to see ya around more often! :)

Apple Joos said...

This is the very reason I don't have a stat tracker up. It would drive me nuts to see that the visitor/comment ratio was messed up. I just prefer to pretend like everyone comments and just stick my fingers in my ears saying LALALALALALA until it passes.

Adiel | Rose Gold Lining said...

Statistics interest me far too much to ignore them :)

Lump said...

I have commented before...but I come back to your blog because I like your style. ;)

have a great weekend!

we wear things said...

haha i totally understand this post! thanks for coming by our blog as well! :)

Richel said...

Oh, I am such a stalker.

Heather said...

Oh I am obsessed with my stat meter, as lonely as it is, and I squeal with joy whenever I see a new comment notification in my inbox.

I hear you - this is why I love SITS so much, comment love, woo-hoo! :D


Just Me said...

Good post, I went over to the blog and left a comment there so I am coming back to leave a comment on yours. Nice blog :) I am trying to get better with the comment thing.

M said...

I get about 10 times as many hits as I do comments. Not that I really care. If people read fine, if they don't fine. I write to clear my head mostly.

Maybe that's why I mostly lurk and don't comment. I guess I'm just weird and in the minority.

Great blog!!

Anonymous said...

I have tried to address this as seems a losing battle...Congrats on the SITS feature..

Feliz said...

Hey! I am here from SITS. And I am here to comment!

Anonymous said...

Hey. First time here...coming from SITS, but I so know the feeling. I hate how FEW comments I get too compared to the number of visitors I have each day. It's CRAZY!

Ronnica said...

Not a lurker here. I've already left a couple of comments just now, but I did want to say that I like your blog and will be visiting again soon!

Sarahviz said...

Found you thru the SITS gals! Cute blog!

Jacki McHale said...

Well thank you for the link to my site, so kind, so kind!

I have SO many people appologizing to me now about lurking my site!

But because of SITS I am learning the value of a good comment! Thanks for always hitting my site!

SITSta love,
