Thursday, July 22, 2010

I Spy a Zombie

I haven't been sleeping well lately and I'm suffering from dizzying headaches that people are telling me are migraines. That being said, my zombie-like state required a lazy/comfy outfit day today. I know a lot of people think jeans when they think comfort. 
I don't.
Jeans aren't comfortable for me in the least bit.

Instead, I opted for soft and cozy fabrics paired with flats. This is definitely my idea of comfy!

I wore my new telescope necklace that I picked up at Indie Mart last weekend. It was a big hit at the office today as many people asked if it actually works and, after finding out it does, trying it out! 





jemina said...

Your telescope necklace is so cuteeee!!!! and I've got a similar pair of shoes that I scored a while back at etsy, perhaps you can try melatonin, it's a supplement that you can get at any health store, it is known as a natural "help" for sleeplessness, take care darling, XOXO

Amber said...

Love love love that necklace. I agree that jeans are not always the most comfy item. The can be too tight, they're a rougher fabric...I tend to pick billowy skirts/tops when I need to stay comfy. Hope you get some good sleep soon -but lack of it certainly hasn't affected your style :)

by Sutton said...

what a great necklace... i love it!!

Yaary said...

love this skirt!

Rhitbee said...

Oh my gawsh I just love the telescope necklace. Beyond cute.

Come enter my giveaway! I need more people to enter to make it a real contest :)