Tuesday, December 21, 2010

I Made a Bag!

Last week was my final "beginner's sewing class." While I've been sewing on my own for years, I've just been making it up and googling as I went along. Now I finally learned the proper way to do some of the things I've been doing all wrong or just sort of right. Ha!

In this class, we had the option to make a not-very-cute skirt, pajama pants, an apron, or a bag. I didn't really have a need for any of these things, so I started making a bag for my roomie. I finished that quickly and ended up making another!

I made a bag!

This is the second bag I made in this class and I'm sort of proud of it. I really like sewing class and I'm thinking I'll have to take more of them! Besides, if I don't I'm really going to miss their fancy-pants sewing machines that thread their own needle and cut their own thread.

Last day if beginner's sewing. I'm gonna miss these fancy machines!

Have you ever taken a sewing class? What did you make?

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